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The New Global Existence

Wild Company a great story

I am reading a great book called ” Wild company” is the story of the two founders of “Banana Republic” the clothing brand. They started with $1,500, Patricia and Mel Ziegler. It is a wonderful story, very well written and a fantastic read. It... read more

The Venezuelan regime: Fraud Nation

The Venezuelan Dictator got way with another stolen election. He contaminated the pool of votes with thousands and maybe million of none Venezuelan citizens that he registered illegally with Cubans, Iranians and Chinese. He has also had members of his party vote... read more

People management

I wonder if in a not so distance future people will have personal managers like people have personal trainers. If you are willing to have someone help you train your body why not have some help you manage your career and your life. Most of the top actors, writers,... read more

Makers by Chris Anderson a very cool book

I am reading “Makers” a book about The new industrial revolution. It is a revolution about the creation  of stuff. The Creation of products and hardware using  the internet and its distribution power. It is a fascinating book. Check it out, many... read more

The Green economy seems to be taking off finally

It is a very quite revolution taking place  in the USA with three big enemies: The fossil fuel establishment, the democratic and the Republican parties. These two parties have been bought off and lobbied to death by the oil player. This political exchange has... read more

Passion versus craft

I am reading a very good book about the great dilemma that most of us are confronted with, finding our passion. The author takes a reverse approach, first become really good at something and eventually you will become passionate about that activity that your are... read more



In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity

Albert Einstein

Imagination is more important than knowledge

Albert Einstein