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Monster  Role

I have been thinking how powerful we are as human beings and yet many of us  survive  lives of weakness, procrastination and victimhood. It have felt thisi way for a while like I have no  control, being at the mercy of luck, destiny, and circumstances. I looked back...

Corruption-How about a Luxury tax

I think it is time to attach a luxury tax and a cap on government related corruption. Since it seems that nobody cares and we are not discussed enough to do anything about it, at least lets bring into the light, tax it and cap it. I proposed that over one billion in...

I want my money back-The transparency chase

It is time that corruption is chased all over the world. I believe that transparency is the new killer app. Politicians and their friends continue to steal whole countries all over the planet. Why do we stand there and watch these global train robberies? Not only do...