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This country is being divide between the producers/creator/builders and non producers. We are becoming Europe which through its tax policies has killed production/entrepreneurship sending the creators and innovators running for cover. A recent example is the owner of the biggest luxury brands conglomerate in the world LVMH, Bernard Arnault an extremely successful French entrepreneur  is now moving to Belgium and giving up its French citizenship as the French President Hollande and his the socialist party in power gets ready to increase  capital gains taxes to 64% and individual tax rates that could reach as far as 75%. I wonder where is the revenue going is going to come from, I know who is going to spend it but not who is going to make it. They will probably print more money, create higher levels of inflation, debt, economic stagnation and more capital flight. Money goes where it is treated well. We need to be extremely careful because we could be become the next Europe or worst Latin America and be gobbled up economically and militarily by the Chinese. Vote with your brain and not by your need and desire to be entertained.