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The New Global Existence

What an exciting time to be alive

It is a fascinating time to be alive. The traditional is no longer applicable, the logic and rational is falling apart. No matter how much the status quo tries to make it work the framework is melting. The economic system cannot grow, Politics is rotten even in the... read more

The New paradigm emerging even in traditional media

Today’s( September 12th)The Wall Street Journal has a section on the Environment. It is actually pretty good. It is focus on the creation of greener cities. As you read it so can sense the creation of a new urban living model that is slowly emerging out of the... read more

The global economy fact or fiction?

Have the economies of the first world been growing in the last ten years or is it a debt illusion, meaning no growth all debt, question? fiction or nonfiction? I say fiction. It has been in it’s majority a big Pyramid of debt creating the perception of progress... read more

The gaming of our lives

Last night I could not sleep. I started reading a book called “Play: How It Shapes The Brain, Opens the Imagination and Invigorates The Soul” by Stuart Brown and Christopher Vaughan. It is an incredible book. It gave me a sense of relief and tranquility as... read more

Steve Jobs what a cool New paradigm visionary

I think Steve Jobs is one the most important figures in this century. He has really added to our lives in a significant way, including jobs. A purely proactive visionary willing to bet the farm on his instincts. He does not compromise with mediocrity. He excepts the... read more

The system is clogged -Washington is the Mecca

I was in Washington last week. A beautiful city, great architecture, lost of culture and the people were very nice. But you can feel the bureaucracy and the debt base living. The politician and business groups fighting like hell to keep the old game of debt going. It... read more

The Necessary Revolution

I am reading “The Necessary Revolution” by Peter Senge it is a book that you either read or perish. It is a peek into the next global shift in terms of business, living systems, politics, economics and our personal life styles. W3 read more

The end of growth

The economy continues to show signs of not being able to stabilize and get out of the current recession model. Companies are showing positive revenues but the unemployed continues to be significantly high. What is going on? are we entering in unchartered territory? I... read more



In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity

Albert Einstein

Imagination is more important than knowledge

Albert Einstein