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The New Global Existence

I have the feeling that the Democrats are in trouble

The Democrats are starting on the road to self-destruction. The reason being. I believe, is their philosophy or political point of view of collective, big government. “I know what’s good for you” no longer works and it will become less and less appealing as we move... read more

The new design

This summer I traveled across Maine. I also spent time in Boston and New York City. At the end of this beautiful trip I realized that America needs to make a shift into a new living design. Our current living model seems outdated. I felt it as I drove through towns... read more

The shift is already happening

There are strong signs of a global shift. The traditional institutions such as the financial and oil sectors, the political status quo, and many large global corporations, are showing signs of the initial stages of a collapse. I finally understood what sustainability... read more

It is a story – follow it.

It is 5:00 am in New York City, a rainy, cloudy and depressing day. It’s a studio apartment in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. The studio is very clean and decorated in a minimalistic style. It has wood floors and metal high tech-looking windows. As we walk in the... read more



In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity

Albert Einstein

Imagination is more important than knowledge

Albert Einstein