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I am stopping imitation

I am trying a new personal experiment which is to stop imitating and start creating, designing and following my own guidance. Instead of asking, I am becoming my own source of reference. Eventually I would like to create a good percentage of what I do, produce and...

What is more powerful, facts or fiction

I always wonder if facts and non-fiction are counterproductive. They stop the evolution of stories by cementing a way of doing something as the truth. On the other hand fiction keeps the stories of life liquid, in motion, transforming and creating new ways of being,...

Why do we love to be fooled

Why is it that we love not being told the truth. We accept living a mega lie and we know at a certain level that we are being taken and that the game is rigged. Yet we continue to act like it is not so. I am not curious about the what and the why of the people doing...

I love the red Prada shoes the Pope wears

When the Pope last visited New York City, he lifted his robe to say hello to some of his followers. At that moment I realized what is that one thing I really like about the Pope and it is his red Prada shoes. They are symbolic of what is really behind the robes. It’s...