I saw a documentary ” Crude Impact” It dealt with peak oil and the damages we are inflicting on the planet by the extraction of oil. It also focuses on the unsustainable path we are on due to our hyper consumption. A day after I saw the movie “Blade Runner” which depicts a society in the year 2019. It is very gray and polluted , machine like with no humanity. After the movie I thought we could very easily end up live the Blade Runner scenario if we do no make significant changes in how we think, act and living. I felt a great sense of hopelessness and darkness, but after some contemplation I realized the we are responsible for the future we create. I would like see a more humane, sustainable, nurturing, non toxic, individualistic and healthy place to live, so why not create it and fight for it instead of complaining and feeling defeated and overwhelmed . I am glad I saw this documentary and this movie. I feel invigorated and more responsible.
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