This is a John Lennon type question. But this one is harder to imagine. A world in which people in government would focus exclusively on creating great services and making their countries exceptional places to live for many generations to come. If any one person, group or company would dare to get involved any kind of corrupt activity it would be received with tremendous cultural and legal backlash. To the point that it would it unthinkable to even try. On a global scale the mechanism would be in place to capture the perpetrators and have asset and capital stolen returned to its original owners be a person, company or nation. We could we use all those trillions of dollars currently being stolen to really improve people’s lives all around the world and return peoples trust in government. There many countries that are basically failed nations all due to the very high levels of corruption currently taking place all over the planet. One small thing we all can start doing now is to stop glorifying the cultural of corruption and refusing to do business and socialize with members of this global sect. I know this is hard to do but getting rid of corruption is not going to be easy but just imagine for a second the benefits of a corruption free world. By the way it is time for Forbes and Bloomberg to create a clean billionaire’s issue and stop including all these gangster and monsters as if they could be compared and put side by side with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, etc people that really created value, employment and innovation versus these other characters that made their billions stealing assets and the capital base of their countries. Imagine a world where corruption is not part of the human dynamic. Wow what a human leap, please imagine it and visualize it. It could eventually become a reality.
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