The current living model is showing severe cracks. It works for very few and it is on collision course with nature. The destruction of the environment is obvious and now very visible. The current Matrix is destroying most people and the environment so what is point of all this. Well the point is to keep the party going for that 0.5% of the population that is enjoying the current simulation. By the way this 0.5% is not concentrate in any particular religion, political ideology and economic belief it is about having it all and keeping the game going that works for them. They are Capitalist, Communist, socialist, Dictators and all religious backgrounds. They are the player and beneficiaries of the current game or paradigm. The only problem for them and their followers is that the game is over. The cracks are turning into Volcanoes. Look at the USA economy it has now turned into an empty shell of borrowing, collapsed infrastructure, deteriorating education system and a highly corrupt political and judicial system. That is for starters then we have the Chinese polluting the world and creating fake economic growth by building empty cities all to keep their Communist party system in power. The party is starting to show their true colors as the inner corruption is now starting to be apparent- billionaire party members in the name of the equality and social justice. The game is over the new Matrix is starting to appear. Look around the new agents of change are now noticeable. Focus on these new clues and you will see the birth of new simulation system that is going to be more inclusive and enhancing for the Earth and for individuals living on this planet. Watch and be transparent.
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