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As I look at what is happening in the financial markets, I continue to think of the new redesign of the planet that I believe is currently taking place. The old models will start slowly to fall apart and the new will start to reveal itself. This whole crisis in the capital markets is indication of the fact that the current paradigm is unsustainable and the only way for it to continue to operate is basically to move into a criminal model by doing what was done in the sub-prime market by establishing a pyramid scheme. The United States, due to is lack of oversight, is now forced to move away from being a market-based system into being a quasi-socialist state in which the government must rescue business and not let the market take its course in terms of who fails and who succeeds. Many believe that this process of creative destruction has just begun in the financial world and will move next to the car manufacturers and continue throughout many industries. Our only option is to move as fast as possible to a business and personal model of sustainability, transparency and of human integration in a holistic manner. If not we will also going the way of Lehman, AIG, etc.