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I continue to try to figure out where we are heading in this redesign of the planet. How are we going to live, communicate, do business and relate to one another. How about currency? Will we still be using the dollar or the Euro? Will we combine them with barter? What will be the definition of the GDP? Our cities? Are we going to continue to build these really spread out, hard to get around-type living spaces? Spirituality – not religion – will it play a big role in our world or will the status quo religion rule. The world’s poverty – is it going to continue as it is now? or are we going to be able to figure a way to stop exploiting those in poverty and bring forth a solution. The media, will the television networks despair and will all the content move to the Internet? How will the Internet transform the way we interact, vote and do business? Will the concept of government still be valid or will the world go back to a tribal-type system or a series of gang-like groups with different agendas, good and bad, roaming the planet.
When alternative energies do kick in for real, what will happen to the Middle East, Russia, Venezuela-will they just become poor agriculture states? Or maybe disappear? What will happen to our lifestyle here in America? What will happen to the old paradigm? Bye, bye.