The world is now slowly starting to shift as is evident in what is now occurring in the global markets and economies. These changes are coming faster and faster. It is now obvious that the process of creative destruction is starting to take its place. The old is now collapsing and the new will soon come to the surface. The new is already brewing underneath it all. It is brewing in our consciousness as well as in most industry and service sectors. Given this non-linear and exponential change, the redesign has started. This means the design of new financial, business and political systems. The artists and protagonists of the new world are and will be professional designers in the different disciplines of design and those people that start to think and operate as a designer. These people will also design the environments we live in, in this reality as well as any other virtual realities we choose to hang out in. Imagine a whole new planetarium conversation. The time has come for us to redesign ourselves and how we live – think designer.
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