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If we do not make a move and a commitment to a new living model very fast it will be time to revisit the movie the “Planet of the Apes.” That is the life we are heading towards very quickly. Of course in the United States this is not as noticeable even though lately in certain regions of the country we can smell the whiff of third world. There are other areas on the planet where this is very evident. How about where I am from, Latin America? My country is the first country in Latin America which is now officially run by a non-human. He is part of a new race that has 15% human genes and 85% orangutan. Its mission is to destroy everything in its path, lie about it and attack anybody or anything that could mean progress, better quality of life, transparency, sustainability and individual empowerment. This model is about turning anybody with any resemblance of humanity, uniqueness and originality into a member of the collective of brainless apes. Watch out – the Apes have arrived in my country. Be careful, they may be coming to a neighborhood near you.