I like designers frames(eyeware) and I have been noticing how prices are improving online. They are lowering significantly from lets say from $300 with prescriptions to $95 with prescription and at times even lower than that. I am very excited about this trend because it is starting to hit home. It is about the stuff that I consume . I am also seeing this trend in shirts and I wondering when is it going happen to fountain pens, etc. Maybe the dream of efficient information and price comparison online is starting to take effect, both online and retail. It feels like retail now has more variety of offerings and prices. A cool company for designer frames with an innovative business model and good prices is Warby Parker http://www.warbyparker.com. In the clothing category I recently bought shirts at a Japanese designer shop in New York City called Kamakura shirts, great designs and happy prices http://www.kamakurashirts.com
Enjoy capitalism