Robotics is now becoming a cutting edge industry and one that is going to have a tremendous impact in our lives. I was thinking about how many jobs will be killed by robots. Just off the top of my head manufacturing is going robotic has we read. This means lots of jobs gone. Robots will be doing jobs around and in our houses. In the service sector lots tasks that a person did is now being done by a computer. Even voice recognition has taken away many jobs from people that were answering the phones at corporations, government offices, etc. Now the question what to do to adapt. One option is retooling to be able to work in a robotic automated and high tech environment. The other alternative is to become more of high concept designer and thinker/ creator. I believe that he work force will become polarized between the high tech engineers and the high concept creator whomever is in the middle will be left out on the unemployment line by a robot near you or outsourced. It is time that the education system gets its act together and focuses on cutting out all those useless expensive careers and starts to educate lots of high tech people at all levels, creators, high concept thinkers, designers and entrepreneurs. Unemployment is not a political issue. Unemployment is not about economics. Unemployment is about technology and education. The time has come for a big paradigm shift otherwise robots are going eat us up alive.