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As a libertarian I am having a hard time expressing this particular point of view. It has to do with the fact the Congress is really a puppet institution of corporate America and special interests. It has nothing to do with you and me. The strings are being directly pushed and pull by the strong and influential community of ex-politicians called lobbyists. Under this current scenario most things that need to change will not change because the status wants it this way because the rules are tilted in their favor so they can win all the time. The question is how do change this. I say public financing of campaigns. Anybody that qualifies as a candidate through getting the right amount of signatures, etc., will have access to a set amount of money in accordance to the office they are running for. All the candidates have the same amount of cash. It is an even playing field. It becomes about creativity, personal skills and drive. They can focus on the issues instead of fund-raising. They cannot be bought and therefore more independent minded people can participate in the political game and affect real change. In this way the public is really served and politicians can keep their integrity and not be fund beggars, which is what they are right now. Okay, now we have a chance to see a real shift in America, where the future is bright and fair, how about that? World 3.0