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I believe it is time to start decentralizing the financial game taking place on Wall Street, how it ‘s played to give access to very few. The vision is very short-term-it’s all about the next quarter. You cannot develop anything of value in a quarter. The models used to rate the success or failure of the global economy are counterproductive to human development, individual growth , sustainability of the planet and creative expansion.
Capital is contained and controlled by a small group of players operating under an old model of the world. These sets of rules are not in tune with the new global paradigm now being created underneath the current collapse of the status quo. This new direction is about an open system in which individuals are highly empowered to create their own lives, realities and ways of living. It is about “Small is beautiful,” niches are king and where creative destruction is part of the natural flow of life; no more “Too big to fail.” If we continue on this centralized track we could witness one of the biggest failure of human history, the failure of The American Empire. I suggest we start creating smaller niche financial markets that are accessible to lots of people, develop business transparency, what are we hiding? We also need alternative local and industry-related currencies. A new global paradigm is being created; it is unstoppable. It is about sustainability, transparency and individual empowerment. It is World 3.0