I continue to think about the lack of transparency even though we get the impression that there is more of it due to the fact that allegedly digital technology makes us all interconnected and information flows with ease. My feeling is that there is less of it. Power is concentrating at the corporate and government levels more than ever before. Corporations have become insular business dictatorships in which very few people have real access to the decision-making process and the valuable information. As I said in my last blog, dictatorships have made themselves look almost like democracies, at least that is how the rest of the world treats them. Most governments and countries conduct business with them like they were free, open and just countries. In reality, power loves power, power hates transparency. That is why we see democratic governments and powerful figures cozying up to those rough, corrupt governments, people and institutions. They have more affinity to power, no matter how dark it is, than to transparent people, countries, organizations and ways of thinking. Transparency is a very dangerous thing; let’s spread some around the planet.
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